Google Analytics audit and GA health check

With a Google Analytics audit, we can help to ensure your data is accurate and that you’re measuring the right metrics for your KPIs.

Need help? Talk to a Google Analytics expert

To report accurate data from Google Analytics, you need to ensure it is 100% trustworthy. If your data integrity is compromised, so is your entire business intelligence reporting. Our Analytics audit and health check will give your organisation confidence in your data reporting.

Google Analytics audits

A Google Analytics audit is a full and comprehensive service of your entire GA set-up.

We take your Google Analytics through a rigorous assessment, apply relevant fixes, and deliver the 100% optimal certificate as well.

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Google Analytics health check

Think of a GA health check as an MOT of your Google Analytics set-up.

We go through your GA set-up and will present you with a list of faults and passes and a quote for fixing things in case you require our help.

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Talk to our Google Analytics experts about your challenges

Google Analytics audits

Our audits will provide you with a full and comprehensive overview of the good, bad and the ugly of your Google Analytics set-up.

How do I know if I need a full Google Analytics audit?

There are many reasons why an organisation would need to perform an audit of its analytics set-up. If any of the following issues are relevant (or similar) to the problems you are facing with your analytics set-up, then, your organisation would benefit from a full audit.

You need to make budget decisions, but you don't trust the data or want to invest in a CRO program for which, you need to know that your data is accurate

You have hundreds (maybe thousands) of tags in Google Tag Manager, nobody knows what they are doing and they are slowing the site down

Google Analytics is not tracking all the key data points that you need to be measuring

The website uses a plugin to run Google Analytics and you cannot edit any of the tracking

The business operates a number of websites and there is no joined-up tracking of users moving across your services

You are migrating to a new website/back-end/platform/URL structure and need to make sure you carry the tracking across

You are running lots of campaign activity, but don't know what is working

You also want to add additional tracking of key interactions and KPIs but are not sure how

Our digital expert, Jules says

Headshot of Julian Erbsloeh

Our audits will provide you with a full and comprehensive overview of the good, bad and the ugly of your Google Analytics set-up. We will deliver an optimal GA set-up that will allow you to report data accurately and with 100% confidence. 

Julian Erbsloeh, Head of Analytics and Data

What does a Google Analytics audit include?

An audit examines the set-up of a Google Analytics account in three steps:

Audit → Strategy → Implementation

The combination of the three steps allows us to understand any issues, work with you to define your reporting objectives in the form of a strategy, and then work with you to implement a comprehensive data strategy.

1. Audit

We start with a full and detailed audit of your set up - leaving no stone unturned - sharing the findings and then go on to make any changes or improvements. We provide clear recommendations for next steps, including any additional tracking customisations and fixes.

2. Strategy

A measurement strategy ensures your measurement is going to be accurate and consistent. We plan ahead and put a strategy in place for future, as well as current, activity. Once completed, we implement custom configurations for Google Analytics to ensure the two are perfectly aligned.

3. Implementation

We then implement the fixes and additional tracking that have been unearthed in the first two stages of the process. Once completed, we are left with a robust and verified custom configuration of your GA that measures all the metrics that matter to you and your business.

Talk to us about a Google Analytics audit
Google Analytics Health Check

Conduct your own GA4 health check

Our FREE guide and template will take you through the stages of conducting a GA4 health check, giving you an understanding of all the elements you need to monitor to ensure your GA4 setup is providing the best-quality data.

Google Analytics health checks

We provide a comprehensive overview of your GA set-up and report back to you with a list of fixes

What is a Google Analytics health check?

Think of it as an MOT for your Google Analytics (GA) account. A GA health check focuses on whether your account is set-up optimally and if there are issues that need to be fixed.

  • First and foremost we provide an outline of areas for concern and any tracking issues.
  • As we make our way through the auditing process, we also make an assessment of your data integrity.
  • We then apply fixes for any basic issues and quick wins.
  • Once the health check is complete, we provide a list of any further recommendations for advanced tracking configurations and set up, doing all the hard work for you.

What is included as part of the GA health check?

Principally, our Google Analytics health check includes a full assessment of the following:

    1. Tracking code checks
    2. Property-level checks
    3. View-level checks
    4. Data checks
    5. Custom tracking and configurations
    6. GDPR compliance for Google Analytics

What is the output? Will I need technical expertise to apply the fixes?

The answer is, it depends. It will depend on the expertise within your organisation. We can support you or your team with the application of fixes.

I require support with GA fixes, is this something that Fresh Egg can help with?

Yes. We support our customers in a number of ways. One method is that you work with snd have direct one-to-one access with one of Googe Analytics experts. They are on hand via email, telephone, Slack, Teams (or another medium of your choice), and will guide you through the implementation of the fixes.

Contact us about a health check for GA
Google Analytics measurement plan

Create your own measurement plan

Download our FREE template and step by step guide to creating your own website measurement plan – a vital framework to help you track the performance of your website against the business objectives that really matter.

We've been working with Fresh Egg for about six years now, and in that time they've helped us take huge strides in training staff (including myself) and helping us to embed Google Analytics in the business. The team are really knowledgable, friendly and transparent and I love working with them.

Quote taken from our Google Marketing Platform Partners page


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