Fresh Egg launches Essential Personalisations

On the morning of Tuesday 19th June, Fresh Egg hosted a breakfast seminar titled Essential Personalisations to launch a new white paper of the same name.  The seminar saw digital marketers from a breadth of categories converge on the Covent Garden Hotel for a fascinating two hours of presentation and discussions.

The focus of the seminar was a presentation from Fresh Egg Strategy Director Duncan Heath and Head of Conversion Services. Together, they shared the results of our recent research project that looked to answer the conundrum – if 65% of consumers state that personalisation affects their loyalty why are adoption rates of personalisation advancing so slowly? 

To kick off the seminar, Duncan shared his perspective and some of the findings from our own qualitative research study – sharing insights and overarching trends and blockers to personalisation. Duncan shared how our research narrowed the findings into a distinct set of five key blockers – stalling adoption and frustrating many marketers.

  1. Technology integrations.  Marketing technology is a wonderful thing, but as more tech hits the market, the greater the need for plug-ins and integrations to link everything together and make it work.
  2. Lack of evidence. In terms of case studies, it all goes very quiet when it comes to website personalisation. This could be partly because few brands are investing in this space. Or it could be that a number are investing and testing but are reticent about releasing their results?
  3. Strategy.  As digital marketing tends to have an ROI figure appended to it, a key blocker for marketers is going to their board and fighting for the budget to invest in exploring website personalisation.
  4. Ownership. Who owns website personalisation? Does it lie with one person or one team? Or does it straddle multiple teams?
  5. Skills gap. There is a definitive skills gap in the market place when it comes to website personalisation. You can’t mitigate it. Not initially anyway.

Dinah then took the audience through, what we call, Essential Personalisations. Not to be confused with ‘just doing the basics’, they are instead a set of compelling personalisation fundamentals that deserve to be part of any marketing plan. When put into action, Essential Personalisations are the solution for getting personalisation efforts off the ground when you have been wrestling with any of the five blockers.

Essential Personalisations are incredibly sophisticated in their own right. You are likely to be doing some already. For example: abandoned cart emails, price drop alerts, user selection remembering, recently viewed items and pop-up offers.

Dinah went on to explain to the audience that Essential Pesonalisations isn’t about reinventing the wheel but:

“leveraging what you might already do with a specific purpose in mind - offering a consistent and personalised experience for your customers across each channel, touchpoint and throughout the CX journey.”

To be one of the first to receive the accompanying white paper, simply complete the short form below and we will email you when its available to download.