Google extends GA360 migration to July 2024

Analytics and data | 2 MIN READ

Google has announced that GA360 users will have a further year to complete the migration away from Universal Analytics, with the sunsetting date now 01 July 2024.

Why is Google making this move?

The reality is Google has recognised that busy teams are struggling to complete (what are often) sizeable migrations in time of the original sunsetting date.

Headshot of Lacë Rogers

Google is continuing to invest and develop their Google Analytics 4 offering to allow enterprise customers more time to transition smoothly to the new platform. We still highly recommend commencing your GA4 360 journey as early as possible, and to help support this, Google has announced a wealth of new documentation and support to help this journey. They will continue to invest and develop GA4 to become a future-proof and versatile tool to help you get the most out of your digital marketing platform.

Lacë Rogers, Head of Analytics and Data 

How will this effect my data?

If your organisation is not using GA360, the existing sunsetting data remains, that is, 01 July 2023. If you organisation has a GA360 license, the date is now 01 July, 2024.

Is there a benefit to this date change for my organisation?

Yes - there is a huge benefit. For organisations completing the GA4 migration before 01 July 2023, marketers will have the luxury of being able to compare year-on-year data in the platform.

Were there any other announcements?

Yes, Google also announced that in early 2023, the Setup Assistant will now create new Google Analytics 4 properties for every standard Universal Analytics property that has not yet been set up. The move will help progress the transition to GA4.

We can help. If you'd like some advice on migrating to Google Analytics 4, get in touch today.