Fresh Egg Event Highlights - The future of public health and third sector digital engagement
On Wednesday 7 March Fresh Egg hosted a joint seminar with our partners from Mindwave titled ‘The future of public health and third sector digital engagement’.
This exclusive event saw 40 of the most influential individuals from marketing and digital within health organisations and charities converge on the Covent Garden Hotel for a fascinating few hours of presentation and discussions.
The focus of the seminar was a presentation from Fresh Egg stategy directors David Somerville and David Sewell, alongside Mindwave CEO Kumar Jacob MBE and Sarah Welton. Together they shared the methodology, approach and results of our combined involvement in the development of the London Digital Mental Wellbeing Service – an NHS-backed project that has the overall aim of helping Londoners to self-manage and improve their mental wellbeing.
Fresh Egg strategy director, David Somerville.
This ground-breaking project saw Fresh Egg undertake extensive customer experience and data research, with the results and outputs feeding the current manifestation of the service, which is known as Good Thinking.
We have worked on the project for around 14 months now, starting off with extensive search and social data analysis, followed by customer experience journey mapping, ongoing technical search and analytical support as well as digital paid and organic marketing.
Download our FREE white paper that lifts the lid on the methodology of this groundbreaking research project; one that puts customer experience journey mapping at the heart of how digital services could be used to assist the mental wellbeing of Londoners.
What the audience learnt
The 45-minute presentation provided detail around key areas of Fresh Egg and Mindwave’s approach, including:
- How using search and social media data can be founded on real-life user data and interviews
- The relevance of customer journey mapping
- The importance of user-centered design
- Actionable ideas on how an approach like this can transform your digital engagement and marketing communications
Fresh Egg strategy director, David Sewell.
What the audience said
There was a lively ‘Q&A’ session following the presentation and we have had some great feedback.
“I found it really useful indeed. Clearly all sorts of possibilities with what was presented especially within physical activity and sport environment as was alluded to with the discussion on linking people to local PA activities etc.”
Barry Kelly, Specialist Advisor Physical Activity for Health, London Sport.
“I found the seminar really interesting, it was a great insight into what can be done with big data and definitely gave me food for thought. It’s been a while since I’ve been at an event with such an engaged audience as well! I’ll definitely share the whitepaper with my colleagues.”
Emily Cook, Public Affairs Advisor, Alzheimer’s Research UK.
“Thank you for this morning. It was a really insightful session.”
Sarah Kidner, Head of Content for Prevention, Survival and Support, British Heart Foundation.
“This was a really interesting event, and I was particularly interested in how they had used search data to build a picture of user behaviour, the things that you will say to Google, but not necessarily comfortable sharing with people close to you! The questions and answers at the end were thought provoking and I’m particularly interested to find out more about how the voice market might impact digital mental wellbeing behaviour, and how we balance safeguarding responsibly and the opportunity to deliver personal experiences quickly with bots.”
Eva Lake, Head of Engagement, NHS.
“I found the presentation really interesting. As a content person, it was great to see something so content-driven, and the literature is great. Also great to see your team using the cross government guidance on naming services, which is a subject close to my heart! ”
Lynne Roberts, Head of Content Design, Home Office Digital, Data and Technology.
Among the audience was Diarmaid Crean, deputy digital director for Public Health England. Diarmaid has been a key stakeholder throughout the project.
We recently had the chance to ask Diarmaid more about the project and his views about Fresh Egg’s involvement.