Digital in a Downturn

Download our FREE white paper, a must-read for marketers facing the challenge of the cost of living crisis and the squeeze on consumer spending.

The cost of living crisis is becoming more challenging for marketers than the COVID downturn. We explain how to maintain relevance in digital channels during difficult times.

Written by Fresh Egg strategy director Nate Wood, our white paper provides digital marketers with comprehensive information on how to succeed even in unprecedented times. The white paper provides insight into:

  • How recessions favour digital innovation
  • The change in customer behaviour
  • Why monitoring customer behaviour on-site is crucial
  • The need to know what customers want
  • Why planning is your best friend
  • Knowing which work to complete
  • How to produce a channel vs traffic type matrix
  • Being agile with digital marketing operations
  • Why you should not be afraid to fail
  • Why you need to optimise everything
  • An essential list of do's and don'ts

To receive your copy, complete the short form, and we'll email you a link to access the white paper.

Digital in a Downturn snip


Lee Colbran

This white paper intends to share our experience conducting digital in a downturn and provide digital marketers with guidance to better plan, execute and adapt digital strategies through a challenging market. This paper is not for any specific sector; hopefully, the contents will be relevant and valuable to all digital marketing practitioners.

Lee Colbran, Co-founder