Recruiting the right digital talent

Download our FREE recruiting digital talent guide, a must-read for anyone recruiting digital roles in their organisation.

Is your organisation struggling to find and attract the right digital talent? Read our practical guide on recruiting the best talent, complete with an eight-step optimal hiring process.

The guide includes:

  • Recruiting digital talent - Is your organisation struggling to find the perfect hire?
  • Managing a turbulent recruitment market - Are you struggling to navigate the most challenging job market ever?
  • Getting around the talent problem - How robust is your digital recruitment strategy and process?
  • Filling talent gaps - Are you providing first-class training to your current team?
  • Perm hire alternatives - Have you considered all options to keep vital roadmap projects moving forward?
  • Optimal hiring process - Have you checked your hiring methodology is optimal? Are you setting your organisation apart from competing businesses?

Recruiting Digital Talent


Meet the author

Written by Head of Recruitment Emma Couling, our recruitment guide provides digital marketers with the blueprint for hiring top talent and unblocking critical roadmap challenges.

Headshot of Emma Couling

We've put together this recruitment guide to help you sense check your recruitment processes are optimal. Complete with an eight-step hiring process. You'll find ideas on how to recruit the best candidates and how to get around project blockers using short-term solutions while finding the right hire for your team.

Emma Couling, Head of Recruitment