10 B2B Tips for CRO Success

Almost all businesses, that market themselves to other businesses, have a website that’s designed to generate leads for their sales teams. Whether its calls, leads or form fills, the principle of optimising a B2B website is exactly the same as it is for their B2C counterparts. You need to make it easy for the user to read the site, navigate around it, find content, gather information and then take an action. This is where our expertise in conversion rate optimisation (CRO) and CRO Training comes in.

I recently represented Fresh Egg at the B2B Marketing Expo and, never one to shy away from the limelight, jumped at the chance to present my Top 10 B2B Tips for CRO Success to an audience of B2B Marketers.

If you weren’t able to make the expo and are interested in hearing what I had to say you can watch the short video or read through the presentation slides below.


Our Top 10 CRO tips for B2B Marketing Success:

1. Trust your data: Ask yourself, are you are tracking the right thing? It is surprising the number of businesses that are reporting internally on inaccurate data. This means you’re making business decisions on wonky information.

2. Get a process: Get a process that works with your business that is formed from research, has an ongoing strategy and is an iterative programme of improvements.

3. Have a scientific approach: Collect evidence about why your site isn’t performing as it should. How is your paid traffic performing? What about traffic from social media?

4. Page leakage: Are there pages or funnels where you are losing customers? Identify pages where customers are dropping off and focus on improving those pages first.

5. Hierarchy of goals: When you look at a website it’s not always clear what the website owner wants you to do. Don’t clutter prime page real estate with prominent links that aren’t going to get your direct leads.

6. Improve those forms: Have a look at some of your customers struggling to complete your forms. You could do this through user testing.

7. Mobile is a game changer: Mobile web traffic has now overtaken desktop traffic so you need to think how your site loads and behaves on a phone.

8. Sales & customer service: You may not know ‘what you know’. Conduct stakeholder interviews with your sales team and customer services.

9. Get a good tool kit: To do CRO you don’t just need people and processes, you still need a good toolkit.

10. Towards personalisation: The important thing to remember is that you will need to move towards personalisation. It starts with understanding your customer segments and having the ability to put tailored messages in front of these segments.

I am more than happy to share the value of my experience so feel free to leave a comment or contact us with any questions you have on the presentation or your own B2B Marketing challenges.