Fresh Egg launches a guide to completing a Google Analytics Health Check

Google Analytics (GA) is an incredibly powerful tool – but only if your setup is spot on. Even if you’re relatively comfortable with dipping into Analytics to look at top-level traffic numbers and audience data, it can be hard to assess whether your reporting setup is tracking metrics accurately.

When was the last time you had your information checked? How do you check the data is accurate?

Lucky for you we’ve created a FREE new Google Analytics health check guide and template and guide to take you through the process of our Google Analytics Health Check and give you some tips on how to do a basic health check of your own.

The guide is broken down into six sections gradually progressing deeper into the wonderful world of Analytics:

Tracking code checks

Small mistakes with your Google Analytics tracking code or Google Tag Manager container can doom your reporting from the start. This section focuses on how to avoid any issues at the first step of your setup.

Property-level checks

Many of the core data collection features in GA are set at property level and therefore affect every view in your account. Learn how to check and fix the most important features at this level, including the structure of your property and cross-device tracking.

View-level checks

Your view-level setup dictates what you see in your Google Analytics dashboard. This section guides you through the core views you need to set up for each property, which filters to apply, how to make sure your traffic is attributed to the right channels, and more.  

Data checks

Dive deeper into GA and immerse yourself in data. Learn some of the primary starting points for data investigations, including how to fix issues with data sampling, bot and spam traffic, and unwanted hostnames.

Custom tracking and configurations

Goals and Events are there to track whether users are converting on your website, but if they aren’t configured properly or have broken, they won’t tell you anything. Learn how to spot issues with Goals and Events.

If you want to make sure you’re tracking the right metrics to get the most from your data, you can also check out our guide to creating a measurement plan.

Google Analytics and GDPR

GDPR has significant implications for your Google Analytics setup. We can’t certify compliance, but we can help you spot and fix some vital areas of your GA to ensure it adheres to GDPR legislation – and this section tells you how.

While you’ll get the most from the guide if you’re already comfortable and competent with Analytics, it can also serve as a jumping off point for a deeper understanding of the tool, uncovering features that you might not know about if you’ve just been dipping in to check how your blog is doing.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the full template and guide, How To Do A Google Analytics Health Check and start health checking your Analytics.

GA Health Check

If you need support with your GA health check or need a more detailed audit, we can help – get in touch.