How Fresh Eggers kept positive during the Pandemic

2020 a year to forget, the worst year ever? Well, yes, it's been a challenge for everyone. But, every cloud has a silver lining. We have missed being in the office, meeting with our clients, being with our friends and our families, and just doing the things we like to do. Challenges aside, this strangest of years has resulted in many positive things and highlights that in adverse times, we humans can do some fantastic things.

This blog post has absolutely nothing to do with Google search results, Amazon's latest land grab, measuring website traffic, optimising a user journey, or increasing conversion. No, it is merely a snapshot of what we have been up to since the pandemic disrupted our lives from March this year, and how we adjusted to a socially distanced life.

So many of us accomplished so much

The following represents the common themes we engaged with during the pandemic and throughout the lockdown period:

- We started new things
- We accomplished lots
- There were many firsts
- We decorated and renovated our homes
- We found time for ourselves
- Some of us moved house
- We took life a little slower
- A few of us started running
- A lot of us started drinking more coffee
- We had more time with our family

The breadth of all the activities undertaken from March onwards is pretty diverse.

We compiled a list of all the things we had got up to as we adjusted to the 'new normal'. While there were some common threads, there was also so much variety in the huge array of projects, tasks and hobbies we embarked on.

What the Fresh Egg team achieved during the pandemic

There were baby Piper-Rey's amazing outfits
(and more Pandemic babies on the way!)

Baby Piper-Rey was born right in the middle of the pandemic to our Content director Ryan and his wife, Donna. Since this time, we have been treated to some lovely pictures as Piper-Rey's Mum and Dad did not let coronavirus impede their enjoyment of this special time. With a number of pandemic babies on the way in 2021, we can look forward to seeing more fantastic baby pictures in the coming months.

Some of us became teachers (and students)

Who can forget having to work and teach at the same time? Our Project director Libby created an amazing home school environment for her children to maintain a sense of normal. For those of us that took on this responsibility, we got through it, and at the same time gained a much better understanding of what teachers put themselves through every day.

As well as teaching, many of us used the time to learn new things, while many of us rediscovered hobbies that had been sidelined due to our busy lives.

On the sporting front, a few of us got fitter
(but not all of us)

The pandemic prompted some sporting achievements. There was a first-time marathon runner, a fantastic first hat-trick in cricket. Some of us started jogging (again, some of us didn't), some of us took part in a press-up challenge, which resulted in completing 2020 press-ups in the first lockdown! Some of us started sea swimming, and one of us used an 8am trampoline session to get 30 minutes of peace and quiet every day.

There were some grand garden makeovers

Gardens definitely benefitted from the lockdown period. With much of the country working from home, many took the time to update their outdoor living area, and some of us were no exception to that. It was fantastic to see the results of the hard work that took place in transforming outdoor living spaces.

Some of us took to the kitchen

We have missed our office bakers, the cheese and marmite straws, the great cakes, but... when things start to return to normal, we hope all the time away has allowed a few of us to perfect some new treats for us all to try when we finally get back to the office.

Of course, there was a little (justified) drinking...

Many of us upped home deliveries of wine and discovered new craft beers, whereas others tried as many fruit ciders as possible. Along with obligatory heavy lockdown drinking, there was the odd daft video of a solo alcohol-fuelled dance-off, which was broadcast to the masses. On the non-alcoholic front, many of us discovered new blends of coffee, with some of us trying lots of new blends from a variety of different coffee suppliers. It's fair to say we followed the national trend of expanding the direct-to-home coffee industry.

Some of us started growing things

We're pretty sure Monty Don gained some new followers from amongst our ranks during the spring and summer. With some of us discovering a green thumb, there were some horticultural achievements. Taking to the garden, one of our team constructed four big raised flower beds and grew their own veg for the very first time, while discovering the knack for growing the biggest beetroots in the world (possibly). Others went all-in on their allotments and kept themselves busy, producing some fantastic fruit and veg.

There was a van conversion!

This is a definite high-five. A full van conversion - simply amazing! We enjoyed seeing the updates being posted by our front-end developer Ben in our #social Slack channel. I'm sure many of us would love a converted van after seeing the stunning transformation take place. This really was a tip-top pandemic project.

And finally, there was DIY and creativity in abundance and Gav's masks for the NHS.

Across the business, team members finished a mountain of DIY projects, with many completing the 'to-do' list of outstanding jobs at home. For some of us, the time was used to redecorate bathrooms, lounges and bedrooms, and for one the team, the lockdown presented the opportunity to complete a full house restoration project! There were a lot of busy bees.

Wowzers - in adversity, a productive year all-round!

The wonderful people that make-up our company can all give themselves a pat on the back. When we look back at what was achieved, you cannot help but admire the collective spirit as we learned to live with the severe restrictions in place. It is wonderful to see how people responded positively, in what has been a hard year for us all - amazing people, amazing accomplishments! Bring on 2021!

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