Resources and tips to improve your content writing

Content is a broad, varied and ever-shifting discipline, so we’ve curated some fresh and long-life thinking that we’ve been looking at over the past few months. I've put together a mix of resources and thinking to help you day-to-day and some think-pieces to give you pause for thought. 

Content writing tools

Check out these three useful tools for improving your writing.

Lose the Very: A fun tool to make your writing more concise

This basic (yet effective) tool combines the word 'very' with a simple adjective and forms a more concise adjective. For example:

very + lovely = captivating
very + scary = bloodcurdling

The tool is useful for introducing a more succinct yet descriptive style to your writing.

alex: Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing

Whether your own or someone else’s writing, alex helps you find gender favouring, polarising, race-related, religion inconsiderate, or other unequal phrasing. For example, when We’ve confirmed his identity is given to alex, it will warn and suggest using their instead of his.

The Up-Goer Five Text Editor

This tool provides a real challenge to users, and that is to write using ONLY the thousand most common words used in English. For example, the prior sentence falls outside the criteria. Using the tool,  we can rewrite the sentence as the approach helps people write using ONLY the 1,000 most used words.

Content writing articles

Check out the following four interesting content-related articles.

Most of the content on the internet is waste

In this excerpt from his book World Wide Waste, Gerry McGovern argues that the internet has become bloated with unnecessary content; published without much thought, then forgotten. It touches on the user effects of excess content and the environmental impact caused by creating and storing it.

What is a UX writer and how does it differ from a content designer?

Author Rebecca Sentance explains that the role of UX writer has become increasingly sought-after as companies make user experience (UX) a focal point for their business and goes into detail about what a UX writer does.

Learn about testing content with users

Updated in February, this article guides you through the process of user testing your content, including how to structure questions and tasks. It touches on different testing methods and the benefits of moderated testing for studying content.

The ROI of content design

A compilation of stats on how positively (and negatively) content design can dramatically affect a business, including how poor content design cost Citibank $500 million.

Watch and learn how to use the content cycle

Watch our content themed webinar, and you'll learn how to use the content cycle to enhance your content strategy.

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