We're workshopping at #BeMoreDigital Conference 2023

Events | 2 MIN READ

User Research Director Cath Foster and User Research and CRO Strategist Charlotte Parker will host a workshop at #BeMoreDigital on 9th March about How to understand your supporters' experience and map their journey.

#BeMoreDigital Conference 2023

Workshop: How to understand your supporters’ experience and map their journey

This workshop will demonstrate how putting the supporter journey at the heart of your strategy can help you design the exact experience your charity supporters want. You’ll leave this workshop with a solid understanding of empathy mapping and customer experience journey mapping, and a practical toolkit of how to implement these approaches to transform your supporter acquisition, retention and engagement.

When you know when, where, and how your fundraisers are connecting with you, you will be better equipped to understand your fundraising successes and shortfalls. It will help your team understand the decisions your donor base makes as you develop your relationship with them and will get the team focussed on fundraiser-centred practices and strategies.

Workshop hosts

Cath Foster, User Research Director

Headshot of Cath Foster

We're looking forward to hosting this workshop and helping attendees to understand how to get into the mindset of their users to identify their true wants and needs.

Charlotte Parker, User Researcher

Headshot of Charlotte Parker

We'll be sharing our knowledge on how charity marketers can understand complex user journeys across several touchpoints and how to implement these approaches to improve user experience, engagement and advocacy.
RSPCA CRO improvement

See how we delivered 71.5% ROI while coaching RSPCA to CRO maturity

Our work increased the number and size of donations generated by the RSPCA's website. At the same time, our coaching enabled them to bring experimentation in-house within a year.