Digital Marketing Maturity Assessment

More than just a maturity score

Giving you a measurement of your digital marketing maturity and the direction on how to improve it

See our digital maturity benchmarking video

A maturity score with actions

We take the subjectivity out of scoring your digital marketing maturity, by using a scoring system that’s designed to help you answer honestly.

You’ll get an overall score for your digital marketing maturity and scores for each of the seven key marketing areas.

Importantly, our assessment provides you with a prioritised list of opportunities. This means you can straight away decide which ones you can action immediately and incorporate into your current plan. You will know exactly what needs to be done to improve your lower scoring areas, to really drive your maturity forwards.

Our DMMA is designed to support you

  1. The scoring system ensures that you’re not having to rate yourself on an arbitrary scale. The answer choices mean your score is based on fact.
  2. Our output of a prioritised list of opportunities shows you what % increase of maturity you can achieve by implementing activity.
  3. Completing the DMMA will provide you with an overall score and score per marketing dimension. You can then set future review dates to rescore and compare to see where you have been able to improve your maturity.

Help plan resources and budgets

The opportunities list lets you understand how to improve your digital maturity and consider the required resources and budgets to progress. Your strategic planning will become better informed.

Engage stakeholders

Our scoring workshop for the DMMA happens with a group of your internal stakeholders. You can ensure you invite the right people to the workshop, which will help them to feel they have had a chance to input and be part of the process.

Unify teams

Creating a collaboratively scored assessment helps unite digital teams so they know precisely where to improve to drive performance collectively.

In our experience...

Headshot of David Somerville

Measuring the maturity of digital marketing is a useful way of quickly understanding your strengths and weaknesses, however typically you just get a score and no direction on what to do next. We’ve created something that not only scores you on the core areas related to digital marketing, but importantly gives you a specific ‘to do’ list of what to action in order to improve your maturity.

Lee Colbran, Co-founder

How we deliver the DMMA

Our digital strategy process

Our maturity framework

We assess maturity across eight key digital marketing dimensions

  1. Determining whether a strategy is present, along with clear goals and objectives, and how integrated they all are
  2. Looking at the people, structures and systems needed to create exceptional digital culture
  3. Determining whether there are the processes and channels required mix for optimal functioning of digital marketing
  4. Exploring the level to which audiences are researched and connected to digital marketing activities
  5. Exploring the capability to measure and report comprehensively on activity
  6. Reviewing how digital marketing data is used and managed
  7. Understanding the tools used for digital marketing and how well employed they are


Book your DMMA now

Arrange for us to complete the DMMA for your organisation or find our more about our digital strategy consultancy

Or send us a quick message, or call us on 01903 285 900

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