Digital Strategy Support

Whether you need support in creating a digital marketing strategy or want a fresh perspective on a challenge or opportunity, we can help you.

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Why Fresh Egg?

In our experience, digital leaders and their teams are often focused on the tactical digital activity, typically lacking the time or opportunity to take a step back and consider whether things are working or even could be done differently.

We help organisations to do this, by helping them understand where they are and where they need to get to. We then devise (and can help) implement the plan (the strategy) to take them from A to B.

This might be in relation to the outward-facing digital activity, such as how to engage customers better, or might consider some internal challenges that need to be resolved, such as how to improve their ways of working.

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How we can help you

Whether you need support on creating a digital marketing strategy or simply want a fresh perspective on a challenge or opportunity, we can help you.

Here's some of the things we typically do to help our clients with their strategic needs...

Be more digitally mature

We help our clients to understand where they are in terms of digital marketing maturity and help define where they want to get to.

Create impactful strategies

We create and implement strategies designed to increase maturity and improve digital capabilities, all of which aligns to wider business goals and objectives.

Understand customers better

We help clients gain additional insights into the behaviours, needs and attitudes of their customers (or potential customers) with qualitative research and journey mapping.

Increase digital capabilities

We help upskill your people with training, coaching and mentoring. This includes assessing digital skills levels, creating training plans and setting up learning hubs.

Work smarter and better

We help improve ways of working, focusing on processes, methods and governance.

Bring people together

We help clients with their strategic challenges by facilitating workshops and discussions, often with stakeholder across the organisation from different teams or business units.

Digital Strategy case studies

In our experience...

Headshot of David Somerville

Our clients vary in their industry, size and level of maturity, however all of them have needs when it comes to looking at the bigger picture with their marketing. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily activity of delivering activity, but often they need help to take a step back and look at things differently.
Typically this can simply be done by getting the right people together and asking the right questions. And we can help them do this by acting as an unbiased fresh pair of eyes.

David Somerville, Strategy Director 

Our strategy services

Digital Marketing Maturity Assessment

Our own version of this popular tool not only gives you a rating of your digital maturity, but crucially provides you with the opportunities to implement in order to increase your maturity.

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Digital strategy design

We will create an actionable digital strategy, based on insights from customers, your organisation and your competitors, that will provide clear direction for you and your teams.

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Strategic consultancy, training and coaching

We will work with you to understand and unpick your requirements around specific challenges or requirements. This could include devising new ways of working, increasing digital skills or helping to develop and embed new digital processes.

Strategy workshops

We can plan and facilitate workshops to help you explore how something could be improved, how things are working with your organisation or just help provide a different way of thinking about things. These workshops might be among your team or bring different stakeholders together.


Talk to us

Tell us about your digital strategy challenges. We can help.