There's No Place Like Your Future Home: Fresh Egg Creates Interactive Graphic For

Just as Dorothy clicks her heels together and utters those famous words ”There’s no place like home” and magically appears back on the farm in Kansas, so future technology enables us to use a range of devices by a simple tap, click, clap or voice command.

What does this mean for our home lives - how can future technology revolutionise the way we live?

From IKEA’s affordable wireless charging home range, Microsoft’s impressive augmented reality holographic HoloLens, to the mighty Tesla Powerwall home battery - the futuristic lifestyle of The Jetsons may not be too far off.

For some, the future can’t come quickly enough. According to recent research by, 9% of Brits already control some of their household appliances with their smartphones, and 34% are keen to fill their homes with more modern technologies.

With this in mind, Fresh Egg explored how such a home might look in’s Future of the Home interactive graphic.

Confused future home

The Future of the Home interactive graphic created by Fresh Egg for

What was the challenge? engaged Fresh Egg to produce a shareable, interactive piece of content, with input from manufacturers of future home technology, for its website and all based on the idea ‘the future of the home’. During the initial ideas and research phase, Fresh Egg generated the concept of an interactive graphic of a home filled with future technology, giving users a vision of the 'switched on’ home.

Once had ‘pressed go’, Fresh Egg started building.

Key project features

Fresh Egg’s design and inbound marketing teams worked closely together to create a branded, fully responsive web app to showcase future home innovations currently on the market or in production, and placed around the home where you would expect to find them.

Fresh Egg's visual designer Nathan Kingstone carried out the initial creative elements of the graphic. Nathan says: “We created a bespoke, interactive illustration of a 3D house which gives the user the ability to pan and zoom around the home to learn more about each innovation via clickable icons and information pop ups.”

Nathan Kingstone 600Matt Smith

Nathan Kingstone and Matt Smith

Talking about the technology used to create the graphic, Fresh Egg's web designer Matt Smith, says: “The web app was built using JavaScript for the pop up information overlay interactions, and an open source jQuery plugin, Panzoom, for the app’s sophisticated pan and zoom feature.

“CSS3 animations were used to bring the app to life, and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) ensured the illustration remained sharp while zooming in, while simultaneously minimising load times across desktop, tablet and mobile.”

Confused interactive graphic

Users can zoom into the graphic

confuse popup

And lightboxes explain the details of the tech

James Cuff, head of content and social media at, says: “As we become more reliant on technology, we wanted to find out the types of technology available that can help people around the home.

James Cuff of

James Cuff, head of content and social media at

“By creating an interactive graphic people can explore this area in an engaging way. We are really pleased with the results and excited about sharing it now on”

The ‘Future of the Home’ is now live on – please explore it and share it, plus let us know what you think about it in the comments below.

To find out how Fresh Egg can help with your design needs or inbound marketing campaigns, get in touch today.