In-housing success stories
We don't just talk a great game, we are sharing the value of experience with our clients in helping them meet their in-housing challenges.
Fettle: SH24
Our starting point in assisting Fettle with building in-house digital competency was to understand what they want to achieve. We analysed their current level of digital maturity and performance, matching this against where they want to be to quantify the level of growth that would be needed. This first sanity check validated whether the business objectives were achievable as well as the channels that would be best utilised to help them achieve those objectives.
Following this initial discovery Fresh Egg helped Fettle to define the role required internally, as well as the range of skills needed to run their current and future activities. We created an investment plan to reflect the year 1 and year 2 costs for the new hire plus on-going support and training requirements.
The knowledge to judge candidate capability was not present within Fettle, so Fresh Egg attended all digital competency interviews for candidates that Fettle had determined would be a good cultural fit within the business.
Finally, Fresh Egg provided interim support for key channel management during the transition, finally supporting the on-boarding of the new employee by running through our observations and supporting them through their initial plans.
Fettle are now able to explore digital. Transactions are at record levels while conversion rates, content quality, and user experience are all now being addressed. The addition of digital experience to the Fettle team is raising the performance bar and helping Fettle to fully embrace the digital market that their services are primarily geared towards.
What Fettle said
“Recruiting into digital roles can often be difficult, time consuming and hard to navigate. We recently had a requirement to find a candidate to join our marketing team with a remit to drive our paid search activity. Fresh Egg provided support – from helping to scope the required roles through to assisting with interviews to allow us to assess the technical compentency of candidates. The recent successful work to help build out our own in-house digital capability has been vital.“
Chris Howroyd, Director, SH:24
Tropical Sky
Tropical Sky already uses an in-house team, supported with various third party services. The efficiency of the team had waned over time, and Fresh Egg were engaged to help get he team back on track.
Our first step was to conduct a thorough audit of the competency of the team, looking at individual skill sets and capability levels. As part of the discovery we interviewed all team members to better understand the challenges they were facing on a regular basis, uncovering the barriers to performance. From this audit an action plan was delivered to the Tropical Sky Board, detailing the operational, personal and cultural issues that were holding the team back.
Phase 2 of this project required Fresh Egg to be on-site on a regular basis as digital mentors, working directly with the marketing team to refine their channel usage, improve digital operational efficiency and effectiveness, helping to create a digital strategy document and channel innovation plans. Analysis of time usage has uncovered areas of work that are not needed, freeing up resource to focus on the neglected higher elements of strategy and planning.
The impact has been considerable. The team are more motivated, more impactful and are better organised. Analysis of performance, focus, organisation and team coherency are present where there was very little before. Motivation and enthusiasm are at higher levels. The team is learning new skills and putting those into immediate operation.
What Tropical Sky said
“Fresh Egg has been working with us to identify areas of development for our in-house digital marketing team. The focus has been to work collaboratively with multiple stakeholders across disciplines to develop an understanding of core requirements to support continued significant growth.”
Mike Collins, Managing Director, Tropical Sky
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