Google Ad Grants help, strategy and support

Just because the money’s free, it doesn’t make it any less valuable.

With a broad range of Google Grants clients and the experience to back it up, you can trust us to keep on top of your Google Grants needs. Leaving you to focus on the important stuff. Our paid search specialists are able to draw on their experience in both the not-for-profit and commercial sectors to help you maximise value from your Google Grant.

Let us help you optimise your Google Ad Grants spend

Rely on the experts at Fresh Egg to lead you to success

Applying for a Google Ad Grant

We can make quick work of your Google Ad Grant application so that you can carry on with business as usual.

Understanding Google Ad Grants

With its own set of rules, knowing what's possible is baffling. Our experts will take the guesswork out of setting up and getting your ads running, smoothing the process and making implementation more effective.

Training and development

We’re not a ‘set up and go’ agency. We’re in for the long haul to make sure you’re up to speed with everything that’s happening in your account. This includes any training and consultancy you need to get to the next level.

Making Google work for you

One size doesn’t fit all. Every person and every business has their own working styles and skills and their own strengths and weaknesses. We’ll enable you to find a way of making paid search work for you – not the other way around.

Google Ad Grants

The ultimate guide to using Google Ad Grants

Get our FREE guide to maximise the performance of your Google Ad Grants activity, improve your understanding of Google’s paid search and upgrade your skillset.

Our other paid search services

Paid search consultancy

Paid search consultancy services delivered and managed by Fresh Egg

How our consultants can help

Building and managing an in-house paid search team

Bespoke consultancy for in-house managed paid search

Consultancy for in-house teams

Choosing and working with a third-party PPC agency

A suite of specialist services to make your agency-managed paid search more effective

Choosing a PPC agency