Lauren Jones WordPress web build

We built a website for Lauren Jones, one of the UK's top women wheelchair tennis players. Find out how the website will help Lauren with her quest to win top honours in the game.

WordPress case study

Client: Lauren Jones
Sector: NFP
Technology: WordPress
Services: Experience design and Web development

The journey started when local wheelchair tennis player Lauren reached out to us to see if we would be able to build her a website. Lauren saw the website as a vital tool to help her build her profile and attract new sponsors. Once created, the website would help in her quest for winning top honours and representing the United Kingdom at future Paralympics.

When Lauren came in to meet our co-founder Lee Colbran we knew we wanted to help out and get involved. Lauren suffered a life-changing injury at a very young age, but has since gone on and channelled her fantastic attitude into becoming one of Britain's top wheelchair tennis players. Not only is Lauren a local girl from Worthing (like all our co-founders), like Lee, she is also spinally injured, and for these core reasons, there was just too much common ground for us not to want to work on the project on a pro bono basis.

Fresh Egg is a massive part of my team and have delivered on my vision for my website. We have had a successful ongoing relationship since we first got together, and I have been blown away by their continued support.

The team is incredibly talented, with first-class knowledge, skill sets, creativity and experience that have put together a top professional site. Lee and the team have an incredible level of patience and understanding when it comes to working with clients, partners and customers to bring to life exactly what you are looking to achieve.

Lauren Jones

The challenge

There were two main challenges in making the project happen:

  1. Delivering high-quality work while working on a pro bono basis
  2. Fitting the project into busy schedules

A third challenge for the agency was reputational. While we wanted to help Lauren, we knew the project required the input of multiple team members, and like all client work, it was crucial for the team to do an excellent job. Ultimately we wanted an end product that would look great and help Lauren further her career and exceed her expectations on final delivery.

A further challenge for our project team was to condense everything that Lauren wanted to say to potential audiences. With this, we worked with Lauren to ensure that at launch, we delivered against her expectations and project ambitions.

Project goals included:

  • Creation of brand identity and logo
  • Website design and build
  • A platform that was easy to update and maintain
  • To gain an organic presence in Google/Bing for the name 'Lauren Jones'

Key long-term objectives include:

  • Increase sponsorship opportunities through the website
  • Increase personal brand awareness and reputation

Headshot of Fresh Egg's Visual Designer, Nathan Kingstone

It was a pleasure to work on the new website and branding for Lauren Jones to support her professional tennis career. Working closely with Lauren to understand what she needed from a site, we designed a series of editable components to showcase match statistics, sponsorship and career history. It was also essential to integrate Lauren's social media accounts to help keep up with her busy schedule. The red, white and blue colour scheme reflects her goal to join Team GB at the next Paralympics combining with a vivid yellow accent colour as a nod to her passion for tennis.

Nathan Kingstone, Visual designer

Our solution

For this project, the team built the website using the world's most popular CMS, WordPress. The platform allowed the team to take advantage of useful plug-ins which helped us deliver a feature-rich web solution.

For this project, WordPress allowed us to create a scalable solution. The platform enables Lauren to update content while she is on the road participating in tournaments throughout the world. We were also able to integrate Lauren's Instagram and Twitter social feeds allowing visitors to the website to find the latest news. 

We also had an opportunity to work with domain registrar who kindly donated the domain name This partnership allowed us to secure a relevant domain for ongoing digital marketing efforts. Use of a strong domain name was essential given that Google results for the name phrase 'Lauren Jones' are very competitive.

Lauren Jones logos

Headshot of Fresh Egg's Visual Designer, Nathan Kingstone

I designed the LJ monogram motif to be bold and recognisable when applied to equipment and apparel and provide her own unique identity at tournaments and alongside sponsors both on and offline.

Nathan Kingstone, Visual designer

Do you have a web project we can support you with?

The outcome

Lauren now has a high-quality platform to showcase her tennis talents and update her audience about her career progression. As well as being a top tennis player, Lauren is a great motivational speaker and a great role model as well. The new website will support Lauren's work as a speaker.

The main areas of the website highlight information that is pertinent to the audience. Now in one central location, visitors have access to everything Lauren.

For anyone wanting to know more about Lauren and her journey, they can find information on her life story and her journey to date. The website is a one-stop-shop for all things connected with Lauren that has not existed until now.

Moving forward past launch, we'll be helping ensure the website gains visibility in Google and starts to act as the brand home to attract new sponsorships and delight her ever-growing fanbase.

As a perfectionist, I always have a clear idea of what I want to achieve. As a result, I am quite possibly one of the most challenging people to work alongside. No matter the request, Fresh Egg helped me bring my ideas to life, and I am excited to continue to work with the team throughout my career. I always feel motivated when working with Fresh Egg. It does not matter how detailed or complex your vision is; the team will work until they bring your idea to life.

Lauren Jones

Headshot of Jerome, Front-end designer

"It was a fun project to work on; a big thanks to Nathan for this fantastic design. We worked closely with Lauren to understand her requirements and exactly what she wanted her website to achieve. We built the website using WordPress, and we extended it with the use of custom template layouts and reusable components as part of a design system to help Lauren to showcase her latest games and gain more exposure."  

Jerome, Front-end designer
Web development services

Expert web development

Our approach to development keeps people and their experiences at its core – those who visit your site and also who make the changes in the CMS.