Fresh Egg Awards 2018

As this year draws to a close, we’ve all taken the time to celebrate the achievements of our colleagues with our annual staff awards.

The awards highlight those who have exceeded expectations, influenced others and have delivered exceptional work for Fresh Egg and our clients. The winners are voted for by their Fresh Egg colleagues and this gives a true representation of some of the most inspirational members of the Fresh Egg family.

So, let’s take a look at the winners…

Rising star – Katie Tucker

This award recognises the Fresh Egger who is making a significant and increasing impact within their role. This may be someone who has recently joined the company or simply someone who continues to improve and grow as a valued member of the team learning new things day in, day out. This person continuously impresses with their progress.

Katie Tucker - Award Winner

“Katie has thrown herself into everything she has done since starting at Fresh Egg with professionalism and dedication and is an example for everyone to follow. Her proactive and positive nature makes her a key member of the team and she should be recognised for this.”

Consider it done – Andrew Heasman and Gavin Brooks

This award acknowledges someone who can be counted on no matter what. If they get given a task there is no doubt, they will deliver it. They are the safe pair of hands that can be trusted, making everyone’s life easier in the process.

Andrew and Gavin - Award Winners

“ANDREW is an absolute trooper. He will do whatever he needs to get the work done and done well, no compromises! A++++”

“No matter what time of the day I ask Gav for support he is there helping me sort out what ever stupid issue I have created! He is so helpful and friendly”

Biggest impact – Stephen Carpenter

This award celebrates that WOW moment and recognises someone who has made the biggest impact at Fresh Egg this year.

Stephen - Fresh Egg Award Winner

“Stephen has waved a magic wand over the web dev team. He has pulled together everyone as a unit and I can feel a reinvigorated group all working together. His technical work is always impeccable – well thought out, creative, detailed. And his strategic input is also well thought out and valuable.”

Who is our HTTP Star? – Lucy Bunn

We have four company values at Fresh Egg, the winner of this award personifies those and demonstrates them without a second thought. (Helpful, Truthful, Tenacious, Pioneering)

Lucy - Fresh Egg Award Winner

“Lucy embodies HTTP. Her work over the past year has been outstanding – giving all of us a place to work that we enjoy coming into. She works tirelessly to make sure we can all make the most out of our working lives and I don’t know if she realises how important/appreciated it is by everyone.”

Employee(s) of the year – Lucy Bunn and Andrew Heasman

Our ultimate award goes to the Fresh Egger who has qualities that are reflected in nearly all the previous nominations.

Andrew and Lucy - Fresh Egg Award Winners

“Over the years Lucy has gone from strength to strength in terms of her ability, achievements and ultimately the culture she drives at Fresh Egg. She passionately strives to ensure we recognise the importance of how we think about and look after each other. Her consideration of nurturing and caring for all of us, massively influences making Fresh Egg a special place to work.”

“Andrew is a company stalwart who can always be relied upon to deliver with minimal fuss and he is a thoroughly nice bloke as well. He has worked across a number of important clients this year, particularly he had an important role in re-igniting our work with Tropical Sky. I think he'd be a worthy winner this year!”